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Edmond, OK

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Phil & Andrea's Proposal 11/8/08

Here are some pics I took a while ago of my brother and soon to be sister-in-law, but they're still some of my favorites. It's not often that you get to capture the raw emotion of an actual proposal. Here is the background story to these images:

Andrea had set some pretty stringent requirements for Phil to fulfill for his proposal.
  1. It had to be a complete surprise.
  2. It had to be in a beautiful surrounding.
  3. She had to be wearing a pretty dress.
  4. And she wanted it to be photographed.
We managed to pull it off at the Dallas Arboretum on a beautiful day. We pre-planned on where and when they were going to have a picnic. I had sneak around a bit in the bushes and trees in order to not be spotted by Andrea. In doing so I seriously creeped out a lot of people. But it all was worth it for these pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I never said "beautiful surrounding." I said "you cannot cannot cannot propose to me in a restaurant."

    but seeing that it's phil, we had to be eating! ;)

    Still love love love the pics. It makes me smile all the time looking at it. Now I have these memories forever!!!!! Honestly, it was THE best surprise of all...it rivals the actual ring. :)

